Gray whales can grow up to 50 feet in length and are one of the biggest mammals. Unfortantely, gray whiles are going extinct due to overfishing. The North Atlantic whale population is extinct and the Western North Pacific whale population is nearly endangered.
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There are approximately seven species of sea turtles and three of them are criticaly endangered while the rest of the species are endangered as well. Since the past 200 years, sea turtles have been killed because of their eggs, shells, meat, and skin. Exploitation, habitat destruction, bycatching, and temperature chnages are common causes.
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The Southern Sea Otter is a fasnating marine animal in that it survives cold water although it does not have insulation like most animals. Unfortunately the sea otters are in danger of extincition because of the fur trade that has been going on for centuries. The number dropped from 1 million to nearly 2,000 today. Oil spills, habitat loss, disease, and food limitations are main causes of their extinction.
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